The hollow crescent bodies of this pair of large Eastern Roman boat-shaped earrings terminate in wire hoops and are decorated on the front with applied drop-shaped box settings inlaid using glass. Attached below the earrings is a cluster of ornate sprees and smaller drop-shaped compartments bearing pieces of polished carnelian that echo the larger glass setting above.
for related examples see: Oliver Jr. A. & Davidson P. "Ancient Greek and Roman Gold Jewelry in the Brooklyn Museum" (New York, 1985) nos. 136-137, p. 121. and the Museum of the Louvre, Paris, Campana Collection under the reference: BJ 322, BJ 323.
Condition: Intact and in excellent condition overall, with fine reddish patination.
Dimensions: Height: 3 1/2 inches (8.9 cm)
Provenance: Private Virginia collection, acquired from the London trade in 1968.